Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > dog with sudden allergy; dobermann ears;

dog with sudden allergy; dobermann ears;


QUESTION: We have a 9 year old Red Dobermann.  All of the sudden she is itching and scratching to the point of causing her ear (not cropped) to fill with blood.  We lanced it, to sure of no infection.  No fleas, no great food changes.  Her sister did come back home to live with us a few months ago, but this developed 2-3 weeks ago.  She is constantly trying to scratch something.  She is so good and will stop (for the moment) when we tell her to stop.  Her left ear seems to be the original problem, but it doesn't smell bad.  We have tried to keep her ears clean.  Any suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Nancy, this sounds very odd to me.  Can you think of anything that could set this off?  Sounds like it is an environmental allergy of some kind.  I can suggest a few supplements to help with the allergy.  How bad are the ears?  Do you see any black or brown stuff that could be mite droppings?  ( cats have mites problems much more than dogs)

Let me know if you want to try some Natural supplements.

Marie Peppers LPN Ma
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She has some ear wax, but I don't see anything else.  The itching seems to be her ear, shoulders, and neck.  She has a nice coat, so mange is out.  The real only change has been the weather.  It is very cold and dry and windy.  We have two cats.  Could it be "cat-scratch-fever?"  I know of it, but don't know anything about it.  She does play with the cats, and they with her.  She also developed a swelling above her right eye.  It seems to be getting better, but we thought maybe the cats "got" her.  Can we treat the itching with benadryl?  I would like to relieve her itching and work from there.  She is miserable.  I cannot stand that - she is too wonderful.

ANSWER: Ok, how about a humidifier ?  Place one in a room for a few hours and then move it to another room for a few hours.  Don't run it all day - just 5-7 hrs per day -
To stop the dryness in the home and room.

Next - yes - Benadryl 25 mg (1) every 12 hrs will be fine.  MOST vets will offer this as 1-2 mg of Benadryl per pound of dog.
A 20 pound dog can have 20 to 40 mg of Benadryl every 8-12 hrs.
A 30 pound dog "  "     30 to 60 mg of "   "   "  "

You may want to see the vet if Benadryl doesn't help in 2 days or less.

Also, most of my Clients take NuVET supplements - it sure helps to blast allergies...

BEST wishes.... I have no idea what has set her off.  HOPE all goes well

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Are you saying to give Loney 4-25mg benadryl every 12 hours?  She weights about 108 lbs.  I just want to be sure that I do not hurt her.  

Canine allergies in Doberman; ear infections and cleaning:
How is your dobe doing now?  Any better?

Most Vets will say 50 to 100 mg for you sized dog.  Every 8-12 hrs - for short term.
Please call the vet if you want more direction.
I am just a pet nurse - HOPE this helps....

Good luck guys - gals!

Marie Peppers LPN MA