Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > lionhead rabbit with weeping eye

lionhead rabbit with weeping eye


my 4yr old rabbit has a weeping eye its not an absess or his teeth  i read to use terramycin but would like to treat him naturaly can you suggest any alternative thank you

Hi Jay,
Are we sure its not a cold? If it is, he would need to be seen by a vet. Make sure it isnt a corneal scratch as well.  If it is conjunctivitis,
you can make an eyebright infusion. Use glycerin extract, 5 drops to 1 cup distilled water.
Add 1/4 tsp of sea salt. Mix well, store room temp. This should keep for two days, replace as needed/
Put 2-3 drops in eye three times daily.
Eliminate any smoke, irritants, dust, fumes or sprays from environment.
Good luck,