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apple cider vinegar canine dosage; dogs and vinegar;


i forgot to ask last night when on phone , i use a 2 gallon water fountain we have hard well water so it is filtered and i put 3-tbl of the apple cider vinegar in each gallon they go thru 2 gallons a day is this causeing problems or ok?

Hi Dee Ann-
Apple Cider Vinegar as a  Detoxifier - yes, use in drinking water.

I would give 2-3 Tablespoons in each gallon of the drinking water.  I know you have a number of bulldogs at your home.  Glad you are using the Vinegar.
Looking forward to helping you and your bulldogs!

For my Readers that don't know:

ACV is great for dogs:
Long term use of ACV will make your dog more resistant to infections, as well as flea or worm infestations.
Start by adding small amounts of ACV to your dog's drinking water and slowly building up to about 1 teaspoon of ACV per 15 pounds of body weight. Some dogs may not like the taste of vinegar in their water.
If that's the case for your dog, mix ACV with his food, or mix it with a teaspoonful of raw honey.

Talk to you again, soon!

Marie Peppers