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Pitbull Skin Problem


Hi Sue, my brother has a 5 year old pitbull that has severe skin problems.  He has been to the vet several times, but poor Roscoe still doesn't have any relief.  The vet said that Roscoe is allergic to his own saliva. On his back left leg all of the hair is missing, it's raw, and bleeds constantly.  He has various other patches like this (much smaller) on other parts of his body.  By his testicles the skin is hard and black and blue in color.  He has been eating high quality dog food for most of his life.  Currently he is eating Nutri Source?  His paws are also somewhat raw too.  I would appreciate any advice that you may have, as we feel so bad for Roscoe and don't know what to do.

Hello Susanne,

Have your brother go to my website: . On the home page thare is a form that he can fill out and download a free copy of my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet" which will give him the answers that he needs if he will do what it sais to do in the book. I have been working with skin problems the natural way for over 20 years very successfully, and this book is a compillation of all of those years of study and experience. He may benefit from some of the products on the site as well, specifficly Critter Oil and Colloidal Silver. Keep it simple, however, just follow the advise in the book.

If he has any additional questions after reading the book (an easy read, by the way), he can call me at the shop number, 727-327-2356 and I will be happy to help him out.

Have a very merry Christmas and a blessed and prosperous new year.
