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Good morning. I have a dog, Tala, who just turned 4 years old. She is a border collie/ great dane mix (or so I think). I've had her since she was 2 months old. At 6 months old I noticed that she was literally afraid of her shadow. She started showing signs of fear of things that are new to her. I immediately put her into day care and into puppy classes to help socialize her more and hopefully "nip it in the bud". However, it has gotten worse over the years. She does not bite, but she is quite vocal when strangers come into view (even if it is several yards a way), fur is up, head down - all signs of aggression. I also notice that she does the same thing to inanimate objects. I realized that if she can check it out, she does calm down rather quickly - again, not biting anyone. She also became extremely fearful of storms. She has to take acepromazin to get her through the storms. I have even tried the thunder shirts and it does not work on her.

I am extremely concerned for her well being. I have heard that great danes have weak hearts and I fear that this anxiety may shorten her life. Do you have any recommendations for her?

Dear Jenn,

Tala's issue sounds like one of the many negative side effects of vaccines, and the timing of your first noticing it rather confirms it. This being a gut feeling and not a diagnosis, I recommend that you contact holistic veterinarian, Dr Gerald Wessner at 352-245-2025. He is outstanding in the use of homeopathy which is about the only thing that can help detoxify the body from vaccine toxins and help your girl begin her return to health. He does phone consultation and is incredible.
Needless to say, I would avoid further vaccines at all cost. Danes are very susceptible to toxins of all sorts so I would also avoid all toxins such as pills, flea meds., chemical food additives, etc. as these can all cause harmful long term health issues.

There are also "flower essence" formulas which, coupled with homeopathy, can help as well. Take a little time and research these on line.
