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Dog nose dermatis



My dog has a nose dermatis know as collie nose.  It's beeen 2 years now.  The dog has 6 years old and it's a Labrador Golden.  I'm giving it oral 400ui vit E oral 2 x per day.  This w/e it bleeded again.  I'ts like a jet bog as a needle shooting 3 feet long at each heartbeat.  It last about 30min the it stops.  It happens 2 time before about 4 month ago.

Please, The vet gave me some antibiotyque but did not made a difference...

Hello Marko -

Collie nose can be managed several ways. Exposure to sunlight should be kept to a minimum. Sunscreen lotions help, but have limited effectiveness due to a dog's licking behavior.

In some cases, the treatment of choice is tattooing. A permanent black ink is tattooed into the affected areas. The black ink serves as a shield against sunlight. It is best if young dogs with lightly pigmented noses, as a preventive, are tattooed before any lesions develop.

The vitamin E is very good for your pets system but will not cure Collie nose. To help heal the lesion, wash the area with either Witch Hazel or apple cider vinegar. These are anti-septics and will help cleanse the area as well as soothe in case of discomfort. After washing it, apply a Tea Tree Oil, this will help heal it fast and will also deeply cleanse the area and repel it against infection.

You may want to take your pet to a veterinarian and have them run a biopsy and blood test to be sure your pet has not developed Lupus erythematosus or skin cancer. These auto immune diseases can develop and take the on the same symptoms as Collie Nose.

In addition, you may want to add Garlic powder to your pets food. Garlic is an anti-microbial and will help to fight and kill infection and bacteria that may be present in the sytstem. Don't be afraid to sprinkle it with a heavy hand, dogs love Garlic and your pet should eat it right up. The only draw back to adding Garlic to your pets food is flatulence. It may be a little stinky but the Garlic is doing its job by pushing the bacteria through the system. This is safe, effective and preventive treatment and is suitable for long term use. Garlic is also excellent for a flea, tick, mosquito and fly repellant. These pests cannot tolerate the oil release by the Garlic as it digested through the body and will not bother your pet.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet. Please feel free to contact me again if you have further questions about your pet's condition or treatment.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human or animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I would be happy to send to you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist