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Face Swelling


Hi I'm Ryan and my dogs name is Hank.  Hank is a 8 yr old Shar Pei.  The problem that he is having is that his face will swells up so bad that he can't eat or sleep.  I have taken him to the vet and the first time they told me to give him some Benadryl which only helped a little.  The 2nd time that I taken him to the vet they gave him some Prednisone pills which took the swelling down in about 4 hours.  My problem is they want to see him each time to get a refill of the medicain which cost about $7.00 but the checkup cost $65.00. I can't afford the checkups each time I take him which is about every other month. I need your help, is there any other medicane that I can give him to help him out.  As I type he is swelling really bad.

Thanks, Ryan & Hank

Ryan - boy, that is sad that the vet wouldn't do any re-fills without a constant visit!  Wow..  

I bet right now your vet would have you give Hank 50 mg of Benadryl...  Right?  
Just to stop the swelling.

I wish I could help you but the only thing you can do is an "Epi-Pen shot" and that is by RX only from a DR or VET.  
YOU could give him this shot right away when he face starts to swell.
MOMS have this for kids that are allergic to bees and are stung.

If this is REAL BAD swelling :
I would refer you to your vet right away if the Benadryl doesn't take effect in 15 minutes or less.

In the future, I would love to help you with some Vitamins, herbs and supplements to combat this problem.  POOR Hank - I bet that I can help both of you.

If you want help with feeding and herbs - Please let me know.
I would need to know what you are currently feeding and what the drug was that the vet has given you.  I bet it is a steroid!

Keep me posted and good luck....

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse