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prescription diet dog food


QUESTION: My 4yr old lab/ridge back mix has food allergies and I've been told the crystals she used to get in her bladder were from the wrong kind of protein in her food. I've read hills zd utra has carcinogens and I'm concerned it's bad for her. she hasn't had crystal in about 2 yrs but still itches and chews her feet a lot. I pay over $60/month for her food and will continue if that's what she needs. Can you recommend a less expensive dog food that will also help her itchiness?
p.s. she was spayed at a shelter at 2 mos and I've been told she never developed properly because of it. I've been told plastic surgery to reduce the amount of skin around her vulva was an option. Which I wouldn't do to her. please.. any recomendation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

ANSWER: Hi Tammy -  the z/d is one of the only foods that can help the crystals....( the other one is with Royal Canin Pet Company)-  sorry this one cost $$$$, too!
The foods have high fillers and this makes your dog itch and chew her feet.  So you have a problem here, you can go with a different food to fix the allergies, but YOU will get the urinary crystals again.

I can help you if you want to cook up her foods - there are a number of groups that help with this kind of home cooking.  Would you like that info???  Also, I do have a few supplements we can add to her diet.

Let me know if you want help with Home cooking and supplements?

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes please give me some recipes i can cook for her. and what kind of supplements can i add? Anything I can do to help my baby I'd be happy to do.
Thank you.

Tammi - Sorry it took so long but I have been ill with a sinus infection... Just a rough one!
Anyway - here are some groups that you can join... One is my group and one is a great place to learn how to cook for your dog.
Special help with diets for urinary crystals....The ladies at this group will be very helpful.

K- 9 Nutrition Group:

Join the Well Pet Group:

My group:  How to save money on Vet bills:
Join us , too

I would suggest you join some groups and learn about home cooking.  You can do the cooking and freeze it up in freezer baggies.  Then, you can take out what you need each day.  Learn to cook it all up in one day and then freeze for the week.  Makes things much better for you if you have one day of cooking.

As for a good supplement- You will need a good one Like Nu VET Plus - NuVET is great for doggies that are on home cooking.... Gives you an immune system booster and many vitamins all in one wafer.
Please stop by and learn about NuVET here:
( the cost is about .60 cents per NuVET Wafer treat)

**not sold in stores....just thru Holistic Vet offices and Holistic Kennels like mine.  I am Marie Peppers of the Doggie Chalet Hotel...
Stop by my site sometime, too.
My hotel page:

I sure hope the links help you - there is also a lady that will design your diet for you ... I believe she does charge for her services... But well worth the price:
here is her info:

BEST wishes to you two!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Alternatives in Pet Health
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