Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > GI Pythiosis Disease in 1 yr 10 month dog

GI Pythiosis Disease in 1 yr 10 month dog


QUESTION: Do you know of any natural remedies to "cure" pythiosis in the GI?  My dog is chinese crested powderpuff who is 10 lbs.    

ANSWER: I have a few ideas for you and your gal....

In dogs, it is generally contracted when animals with open sores drink, stand, or swim in stagnant water. It is caused by the aquatic mold Pythium insidiosum. Pythium is found in stagnant water throughout the southern United States, particularly around the Gulf Coast region.

Pythium enters the tissue of the animal through open sores or wounds. The infections appear as large swollen nodules that will ulcerate and drain. The lesions are the most common on the legs, head, and at the base of the tail. The lesions may itch and are often confused with other granulomatous conditions.

Infections with the Pythium fungus can be difficult to diagnose. Occasionally, the organism can be identified by taking swabs or biopsies and then identifying it under the microscope.

There are not many medications that can be given for this and most topical anti-fungals do not work well.

Good Supplements are the key for your kid...

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Probiotics are the living cultures found in yogurt. They help to maintain, produce and support the good bacteria found in the gut.

Here is a wonderful Probiotic:

Give 2 per day for just 2 weeks, and then go to 1 per day for 2 -3 months
Flora Force:

You may also want to add Garlic **** Garlic is an anti-microbial and helpd to fight and kill bacteria and infections present.

Garlic - just 1 per day for 1 month, Then give 1 every other day....

If your dog's has lesions on the skin, apply a thin coat of Silver Shield least 1-2 x per day.

Colloidal Silver is the best natural anti-biotic available to man and beast. There is a lot of information about this option..

Silver Shield liquid - 1 teaspoon per day -

Will kill the fungus in time.

I hope this information has helped  for you and your crested...

~~~~ any Questions?
Just ask Marie here:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the ideas.  what do you think about apple cider vinegar and what about clove of garlic or powdered instead of a pill?

Garlic is great but you must be careful not to give too much - it can cause anemia...also, the pill form gets into the belly quick and avoids stomach upset...

Apple cider vinegar is always good to use - make sure you get a good brand that is fresh ...Don't buy any unknown brands that may not be fresh

I will be thinking of you!
