Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > ticks on cats/ Pet Nurse Maries Holistic Flea and Tick Spray / Recipe

ticks on cats/ Pet Nurse Maries Holistic Flea and Tick Spray / Recipe


We use Revolution on the outside stray kitties but they still get ticks. What can we use to discourage ticks from attaching? What about Peppermint essential oil?


Flea and Tick spray -
Kristin - Yes, Essential oils are a wonderful spray - Here is a recipe for fleas and ticks - All Natural:
We also make a powder too :  YOU can do this at home:

YOU can be the hit of your friends!!!
Teach yor friends how to make this too...

From My Yahoo group:  JOIN US

Make Bandit's Flea Buster Spray*****

Bandit's Flea Buster Spray: 8 Oz Water, 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil, 4-
6 Drops of Lavender Oil. Keep in the refrigerator, shake well before
using and spray lightly, do not soak the coat.

USE Nature's Sunsine Products....
Ask Marie about the 20% or higher discount...

Pet Nurse Marie /

Don't order any of the oils till you talk to Marie....she can help you get Member prices at Nature's Sunshine...
Fast shipping and FRESH product.
Don't use the old stuff at the Walmart !

NEXT - Make your own powder:

Make your own Powder for flea repelling!

Herbal Flea Repellant Powder:
recipe from "All You Ever Wanted to
Know about Herbs for Pets"
by Mary Wullf-Tilford,

1 part Diatamacous Earth,
2 parts Feverfew flowers,
2 parts Mullein flowers,
2 parts yarrow flowers,
1 part sage or thyme.

( "A Part" is just an amount - could be 1 cup or 1/2 cup )
YOU decide how big your recipe will be:

Any Questions???
Just ask
Marie Peppers