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English Bulldog


HI Marie,

I have a 14 month old English Bulldog (Hoss).

I feed him Iams lamb and rice-no supplement or anything else except treats, and people food- He likes Milk bones (he gets at bed time) and large bones he can chew on.  He has a kong which I put peanut butter in occacionally.

Ok-recently he started itching like crazy-and scratching.  One morning I woke up and he had scratched his head till it was raw.  So I went and got him a spray (Durvet moisturizing oatmeal mist allergy itch relief, and put some Multi care  Cut heal wound spray for his head and gave him 2 benadryl Hoss weighs about 70 pounds) this seems to work ok-but it looks like we may have to do this every day-is this going to be to much?  it worked well for a day or so.  I also bathe him in Paul Mitchell dog shampoo. We clean his wrinkles (baby aloe wipes) all the time and dry them.  But he still has a smelly problem around his head.  Even after I use a warm cloth and all, the next day he kinda stinks.

I am wondering if maybe I bathed him too much and it upset his skin-but I haven't given him a bath in about 2 weeks and he is back to itching and scratching. Or possibly his bedding when I washed it-but I wash it the same way I always have with no problems same detergent and all.  

I ordered the Nuvet tabs today hoping that will help.  Do you have any other suggestion?

I was wondering about giving him a fish oil supplement?  And also his food-He has been on Iams since he was a pup with no problems.  He is a Hoss of a dog and we love him dearly but his scratching is bugging me almost as much as it does him.

What about putting vaseline on his nose-it seems dry sometimes and he licks it.  

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hoss's mom

Shelly and Hoss, I am so glad you ordered your NuVET plus wafers!!!  Smart of you to try this.
Please give him 2 per day for the first month and then go to 1 1/2 per day long term.
He needs more than the average dog.... MOST dogs take only 1 or 1 1/2 per day ....... Let's start him out a little higher, don't worry, VERY safe.

Next, I am sure this boy has a major overgrowth of YEAST bacteria in the skin, belly (gut) and even his blood ( systemic yeast).  NuVET along with a Probiotic will do the trick to get rid of the SMELLY yeast.
A Probiotic needs to be giving every other day / LONG term:  Please get some Acidophalus 1 billion CFUs, give 1 per day ( every other day )  Always:
VERY low cost and VERY safe...
YOU can get acidophalus at any store that sells vitamins for humans.  Hide this in some wet dog food or a small pill pocket treat.

Also, don't use any of the shampoos you have used in the past. Please call NuVET and ask them to send you the TEA Tree oil hot spot shampoo and the Hot spot Tea tree oil spray.
10.00 for the shampoo and 7.00 for the spray.
Use the shampoo every 10 days and the spray can be used daily if needed.
TEA tree is very soothing and Heals.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( Also, ask about the 15% off on auto ship orders>>>>)

Vaseline on the nose is fine.

Keep using the baby wipes for the folds.  The Probiotic ( acidophalus) and NuVET will help to heal all the yeast in the folks.  Yeast can be from allergies.  I am sure you kid has environmental allergies.

Last, Please give 1 of a 500 mg ESTER C per day for 1 month / helps to heal.
Ester C is easy on the stomach.  Ester C is sold any place that sells vitamins for humans.

Keep me posted at my private e-mail:

Marie Peppers LPN MA