Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Chipper/ Yes, CoQ10 and NuVET Plus - Also vitamin E

Chipper/ Yes, CoQ10 and NuVET Plus - Also vitamin E


My Son Chipper is around 13 years of age last year his cough got really loud.  I took him to the Vet and they gave him some antibiotics.  The cough left around a week and then came back.  I know it was not kennel cough because it came back.  I keyed up tummers on the Web and found your answer to someone question.  My question is how much should I give chipper the beef heart.  I also have been giving him 50 mg of CoQ10 but read your statement again and order 20 mg twice a day.  I hope that will help C
Chipper.  He weighs around 14 pound and he is 13 years of age.  He sleeps allot but still likes to eat.  So far after giving him 50 mg of CoQ10 50 mg every other day until the 20 mg come in he is still couching a little but not as much.  I hope the CoQ10 will help him.  Your right about the shots last year chipper had that rabies shots and was sick for 2 days.  Come to think about it thats when he started to cough more.  I will not give him any more shots.  Why can't little dogs live allot longer.  One more thing, Chipper teeth are bad.  Should I still have his teeth clean, after a month until the CoQ10 take affect.

Please let me know and thanks allot for reading this email

Deborah Levinson

Hello Deborah, I sure hope Chipper is feeling better soon.
Don't do the teeth cleaning - he is too old and just unstable to be put under anesthesia, IN my opinion.
Play it safe!

Next, yes give the CoQ10 some time to kick in.
All supplements do take time to build a blood level.
Did you Start Chipper on the NuVET supplement yet?
It will sure help to re-build the immune system and help his respiratory system , too......
Go here and order some :  A 90 count is 55.00 - that will last you 3 months.  ( make sure you use the order code 81098 and my name as your VET/ PET Professional Referral:  Marie Peppers

Also, how about some vitamin E///////????
Just 150 IU (1) per day for 30 days.  IF you want you can go the same dosage every other day for 60 days....

Let me know how you do?  Here is my private e-mail-
I like to get updates on the dogs and cat that ask for my help

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse