Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > 4 month old bulldog bites owner/ pet nurse marie please help;

4 month old bulldog bites owner/ pet nurse marie please help;


my 4 month old bulldog has become very agressive in the last 3 weeks.she will growl at me when i take a toy away from her and has tried to bite me several times.ive tried every book on dog training and i have been very patient with her but its getting to the point where im actually afraid of her please help.

Hello Maricela, Please take her to the vet for a good check up. Tell the vet what is going on with your bullie kid.

Also, we have some wonderful dog behavior trainers here at the All Experts site.  See it they can give you some tips.
Go to dogs / behavior and ask a question.
Give a good example of what can happen when you and she interact.
BEST of luck

SEE my bulldog Vitamins, here:

Marie Peppers