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probiotics Acidophilus and NuVET Plus;


My 8 year old dog has been taking the one billion of accidophillus from GNC as you suggested.She has been on them about a week now and she has a half a tablet daily with each meal.She has been doing well on this along with the Nuvet plus.My question is do you think I should continue the accidophillus daily or should be a certain amount of time on and off the supplement?I just want to do what ever is best for her.

NuVET and GNC's Acidophilus Probiotic..... GREAT- So glad you are giving the 2 supplements;
Please keep your dog on the Probiotic at least 90 days.  After the 90 days you may do this just 1 x per year for 90 days.  ( It's good for you too, the human)
As for the NuVET Plus supplement, long term please - daily.

Glad your dog is doing well with my suggestions!

Keep me posted.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

NuVET Plus - For my readers / Learn about NuVET here: