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Skin problems on pitbull;


I live in Acapulco Mexico and have a 2 year old pit bull named Bubba.  He has been having bad skin problems and nothing is getting better.His whole body is covered in bumps and his feet are swollen.  The vets here don't really give me to many options other than buying drugs or killing him for 35$.  I have been reading on the Internet recently because I can't use what the vet down here recommends.  Getting pills from the states are just as difficult.  I was wondering what would be some natural ways to help him out and get his immune system back in order?  

Hi Matt,  Can the vets check him for Mange?  
Here are some things to help Bubba's immune system:

1.  Start him on 1000 mg of Vitamin C per day
Mix into his dog food or pop into a small bite of hot dog.
JUST 1 per day long term...
2.  Start Mr. Bubba onto 250 U of Vitamin E - give this EVERY -OTHER - day ... Just 1
Do this dosage - long term ( only every Other day)
3.  If you can find some good yogurt ; get the ones with Active Cultures like the brand Activia.
give him at least 1 8 oz cup per day - for 30 days....
YOU need the Probiotics in the yogurt which are the active cultures...
HELPS the skin and coat/ and re-builds the immune system.

Also, see if you can find a dog food with LITTLE to NO corn ( in the ingredients)  -  May be hard to find in Mexico...

good luck guys

Marie Peppers LPN MA