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Liver problem


Hello. My jojo (17 yrs. old dog) blood work done this week and the result of her Bun is 35.  A year ago her Bun was 34 and I was able to bring it down to 20 with home cook meals along with milk thistle. Now her Bun is up what else can I do to bring it down?  She weights only 10.4 lbs. do you have any recipes that I could have. Can I continuously give her milk thistle? Please help my jojo. Thank you.


Hello Michelle,

I highly recommend that you read a book by Dr Deva Khalsa. It has recipes for specific issues and is an excellent read. There is a link to it in my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet" which you can get a free PDF copy of by going to and submitting the pop-up form when you arrive. Much of the information in my book is vital to the health of every dog on the planet.

I also recommend a phone consultation with Dr Gerald Wessner who is an amazing holistic vet. His phone number to set an appointment is 352-245-2025. You can feel the man's compassion over the phone and he is reasonable price wise as well. Homeopathy is his specialty and it is probably your best solution at this point.

Take care. I hope this helps.

Sue Griffin