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Benadryl canine extreme reaction to flea bites


My dog has developed an extreme reaction to flea bites. We know this is the cause because:
A. She was fine before we started seeing fleas on her.
B. The vet told us it was a really early stage of some type of scabies that is common in young dogs.
The vet ended up giving her two cortisone shots and some antibiotics on the promise we would "Come back" if it didn't heal. Guess what? It was better for about 2-3 weeks and then it cam back full throttle. So I'm thinking it wasn't what the vet thought it was.
I gave her Capstar along with Frontline but it has only minimized her obsessive scratching. Is there anything I can do or purchase from a store to relieve her itchiness? I really don't see it as a feasible option to spend $80- every three weeks. Please help.
~Frustrated pet owner.

---------    Follow up on Benadryl- fleas -  your Vet ----------

How is your dog doing now?  Did you call your local vet for help?
Can I be of more help to you....
I am here if you need me...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi Shannon - POOR kid !  I have seen this before and it is very hard on the owner and the pet.
Here is my anti itch kit.... I refer to this for situations just like yours....( Plus, a small dosage of Benadryl can be used rather than the shots) ---- Most vets give 1-2 mg of Benadryl per every pound every 8 hrs....

Here is the "kit" I refer to - this was to a bulldog with the Itch...
You can call in now and order - they will get it out to you ASAP...
very quick shipping -

Hope this all helps!
Also, you can give him a bath in baking soda right now - fill the tub 1/2 with warm water and 1/4 cup of baking soda... Rinse after 5 minutes - make sure the water is not too hot.

Marie Peppers LPN MA