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canine prostate cancer


my dog was just diagnosed with this disease. So far, no spreading of it anywhere else. What are some holistic things I can do? Would bentonite clay help or further constipate him? Do dogs need a more alkaline state to kill cancer like humans do? what about carrot juice, herbals? Thank-you for your expertise. barbara

Hi Barbara,

I am sorry to hear this, are you electing to do surgery or radiation? this would determine cause of action for holistics.
I would eliminate all toxins from his environment, no exposure to cigarette smoke, no commercial dog food, no pesticides, herbicides, no diet from antibiotic or hormone fed animals, no drinking from puddles, NO flea treatment, NO advantage or frontline or similiar product, no vaccines ever again. No exposure to excess car fumes etc. I would eliminate commercial dog food completely from his diet. No exposure to chemicals. No more xrays if possible!
I would prepare a natural diet specific for canines with the help of holistic professional accompanied with bone meal, norwegian standard omega-3's, glycoproteins, and foods high in antioxidants. FRESH veggies. Trace minerals found in natural food would help. Extra vitamin c added gingerly to not cause diarrhea.
You mentioned constipation, is he constipated fecally as well? This makes me think of poor diet issues.
An acupuncturist would help move all the stagnation occurring, too.
Commercial dog food is the most nutritionally inferior product for canine health. It is a terribly sad fact. Sick and diseased animals and discarded animal parts with high allergen and inferior grains and chemical additives are absolutely considered health hazards. We need to eliminate this from his diet from this day forth.

Things that have helped with prostate enlargement are saw palmetto, and homeopathic remedy baryta carb for painful urination.
I would go light on the high glycemic index of carrots but you can definitely add to diet, fresh raw organic juice would be fine, broccoli, cabbage, kale and leafy greens are great, and again you can add a carrot or two. But be sure these veggies are in his diet to eat as well.
A dogs natural PH balance should be 6.2 to 6.5, this can be tested through urine ph strips.
It is believed a too acidic environment helps breed cancer cells. You can adjust diet accordingly for optimal internal environment.
For cancer what has been used : Arginine, reishi mushrooms, glycoproteins, CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants have all helped in addition to natural organic diet prepared for his specific needs.

I dont think bentonite clay is used for this type of toxicity purpose or cell mutation which at this point he is showing. It has a different pathway in the body and deals more with digestive tract toxins and colon health.
I can be contacted from my website which is accessed from internet explorer, on the contact submission form for further info.
I wish you and your doggie the best of luck, health and healing!