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what could it mean


What would it mean if your dog has mucous or blood in the vomit or stool?  I saw in your answer to Joyce that as long as that isn't present then the dog is fine.  My dog seems to have an upset stomach and if i do see those symptoms i would like to know what it could mean.  I have heard that you can give your dog pepto bismal is that true?

Hi Melissa,
if your dog ever has blood in his vomit or stools then you need to go to the vet for tests asap.  There are many conditions that can cause this, one of which is cancer.  It is not uncommmon for dogs to have upset tummies though.  This can be because of something they have eaten or from an infection.  Again, if it persists you really need to get the vet to check it out.  I would never advocate giving human medications to animals, unles your vet has said it is ok.  There are many natural supplements out there to aid digestion in dogs.  One great product is slippery elm powder.  Or a product like Vital Greens with digestive enzymes would also be acceptable.  You may also want to try your dog on some organic yogurt as this may help to settle things down.
Hope this was helpful.