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Dog with Spindle Cell Tumor


My 12-year Brittany developed a Spindle Cell Tumor 2 years ago which has gotten progressively larger. It is now the size of a golf ball. I opted not to have it surgically removed and have tried to shrink the tumor with Arteminisin, Turmeric (Curcumin) and Green Tea. I even did the flax oil and cottage cheese (Budwig Diet) for about a month but stopped out of fear the high fat content would cause Pancreatis. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Darlene
You are wise to be cautious about oils, fats and pancreatitis in dogs.  You may want to have a look at Robert McDowell's website.  He is an animal herbalist and can custom make a blend to suit your needs.  As surgery can be dangerous to an elderly dog, you are doing the right thing by weighing up the scenario.  Ofcourse, there is always a time and place when surgery is the best option.  Robert's remedies should be able to assist with the tumor:
You may also want to research some animal acupuncturists and/or energy workers in your area as this, along with the herbal remedy, could help your Brittany.
I hope this is helpful.