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Eye wart or scratch



The dog
My dog (jack russel terrier) has something on her eye that looks like a scratch or something else. It seems like it does not bother her but when I cleaned her eyes today I saw blood on the tissue. What can I do for it to heal?

I attached the picture and it the red thing under her left eye

Needless to say, I can't tell much from just a picture. It does appear that it is not on the eye itself but only on the eye lid. I can tell you that it is in a very risky place for putting anything on it because of the danger of getting a non ophthalmic product in the eye itself which could cause severe damage to the eye. I would keep it clean with just warm water and a clean cloth for a day or two. Dab, don't rub and don't touch her eye. Make sure that she isn't rubbing her face on anything or pawing at it because she could damage her eye if she continues to mess with the spot on her lid. If she rubs at it you can make-shift what is called an Elizabethan Collar by cutting a circle of cardboard and taping it like a cone around her neck. You can get a plastic one from your vet. If it doesn't show significant improvement in a couple of days, you may want to have a vet take a look. It would be my guess that you won't have to.

Hope this helps.