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skin cancer


dear Sharon Hubbs,AHG

hi im very worried, think my cats has skin cancer on her ear, about 1 or 2 weeks ago i saw a black scab on my white/gray cats ear, and i thought it was mud so it pilled it off, and under the scab it looked like an cut, so i puted a band aid on it, but now around the corner of my cats ear is staring to become black but not lunpy or any thing.

is it skin cancer?

can i do any thing at home?

because it can't afford the vet

can i please have your email address so i can send you  a picture of her ear.

thank you


Hello Siaumy -

Here is my email address:

Please forward me the picture, I will take a look and respond back to you directly from my email address. I would like to see the picture before I give you any recommendations - it may not be cancer.

Thank you -

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist