Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > husky with some hair loss

husky with some hair loss


i have a 8 mo. old husky last week i noticed a some what blad spot on his front leg near elbow i have not seen him itch it or bite it abd i touched with him not even doing anything i also was told its a hot spot and to buy some gold bond well i did and no change could it be that me 2 1/2 could be ripping out his hair she usally goes after his legs alot hes big compared to her and that is the only thing she can reach when he is on all fours so please help me also his spot is not red it is the same color as the rest of his skin

Hi  Heather,
Can you get him into the tub for a little oatmeal doggie bath. ????
Oatmeal doggie shampoo is very helpful.  Also, there are some sprays you can buy at the local pet store.  ( hot spot sprays)
I do have some vitamins and supplements we can try:
see here:
They guarantee to get rid of hot spots and rashes...

Best wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA