Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Benadryl pitbull dosage and nuvet wafers;

Benadryl pitbull dosage and nuvet wafers;


I am going to purchase the NuVet you recommend for my 2 year old pit bull Obi. He has all the regular skin issues. Currently I give him 25 - 50 mg of Benadryl a day, should I discontinue this when I start him on the NuVet? Thank you for your help here and all the info you provide.

Benadryl pitbull dosage; pitbull allergies ; pitbulls;
Starting the NuVET allergy wafer program : ((((((((((((((((((((
HI - did you start the program yet?
Keep me posted -  
I would love to know the results you see with Mr. OBI....
I am here for you - Just ask:
Marie Peppers
Ask the pet Nurse.

Yes, please put OBI on the NuVET wafers ASAP - you will see results in 2-3 weeks - he may need 2 per day for the first few weeks -
Most dogs need 1 or 1 1/2 per day long term.
They are open now * 8-4 Calif time zone *
tell them you are working with Pet Nurse Marie
( referral code 81098)

He will need the Benadryl for 1 week, along with the NuVET - then after 1-2 weeks you may be able to stop giving the Benadryl.

Keep me posted on his progress....

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse