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Cats Oral Cavity Cancer Alternative Medicine


My cat has recently been diagnosed with Oral Cavity Cancer and has been given 3 months to live.  She is my life and I cannot imagine her being gone...  She was suffering from some dental problems, excessive druling and loss of appetite, but since removal of 6 of her teeth, she is semi back to normal.  Eats Mashed Cat Food and drinks normally, even is playful sometimes.  She has gained almost a pound since dental treatment, but has the Nasal Cavity Cancer.  The Vet said no surgery can be performed and radiation has a very faint chance, may be giving her couple of more months at max.  Are there any alternative medicine that can prolong her life?  At this point she is acting semi normal and eats almost double her usual.


Hiya Diane
I am sorry that kitty has been diagnosed with oral.nasal cancer. Generally cats do not respond as good as dogs with treatment using natural therapies  but we sure should give it a go.
I would use vitamins and minerals that support the immune system such Co-enzyme Q10, Higher doses of omegas 3 1000mg per day minimum, vitamin A C E, Astralgus and medicinal mushrooms.Use glyconutrients to support the cats natural defences.
Good luck Sweet Kitty  and catmummy keep me updated
