Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > INFECTED DOG



Hi, my friend has a dog that has an infection all over her little body.  She is a small shitzu.  The infection started suddenly with her being "floppy" is the best way to describe it.  I felt her leg joints and they were swollen and hot.  They took her to the vet, they did a Lymes Disease and other tests which all came back negative.  There was no improvement over the next 2 weeks with the dog losing weight, diarrhea and not eating.  One antibiotic gave the dog black stool, so they discontinued it.  After being in the vet hospital, they finally did a biopsy of fluid around the joints and it came back as a bacterial infection of a tick nature.  Not exactly Lymes but in that family.  The dog is on antibiotics but they would like to explore a more holistic venue to help the dog recover.  It was mentioned "unofficially" that Frontline had something to do with it.  Is there any way to boost the dog's immune system to help it recover with less chance of relapse?  There is still some swelling around the leg joints and she is not able to walk very well.  Any help you can suggest would be great.  Thank you.

Hi Lory,
I am sorry that the little girl is not feeling well.  There are many discussions on products such as Frontline, and at the end of the day, they are a poison.  There are so many natural products available that are of superior strength and quality and work very well at keeping pests away, as well as treating inflammation and other problems.
I would start by getting some Colloidal Silver and adding a teaspoon to her meals.  Commence with 3 times per day for 1 week, then drop back to once per day for 4 weeks.  Then cease for a few weeks and see how she is.  I would also add a nutritional supplement such as Spirulina (give the children's dose, or 1/4 of adult dose) and Bovine Colostrum to her daily meals.  All these products are available in Health Food stores.
For some higher strength products to get her on the road to recovery I would also have a look at Robert McDowell's website.  He is a master herbalist making blends for canines.  There are blends for Lyme's disease, A Blood Purifying blend which would be ideal in this case and a Conditioning Blend which would help on the road to recovery.
The web details are:
I hope this is useful.
Please let me know if you need any more help.