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My black lab 12yrs is having skin issues?


Okay let me start at the beginning... We smelled a god awful smell took him to the vet thinking it was his sore on the foot...he is part Doberman and they lick their feet allot and get sores...anyway the vet found a rather large hot spot under his neck.  This was in May. OUR VERY FIRST ONE IN HIS 10years of living with us. We live in SC.  We thought we probably should have him shaved to help him feel better and not get any worse...Wrong!  We shaved him and it has been almost two months of bathing him in the shampoo the Dr gave us and an oatmeal shampoo twice a week and he is covered!!! in blisters and sores.  He is not smelling like the first hot spot, oh and I did put a collar on him to stop him from licking constantly because this was causing him to throw up (the licking).  He honestly looks like he has mange but my other dog hasn't caught it so I didn't think that was what it was.  We also got a bad case of fleas this year for the very first time in 10yrs.  I am giving him Perina, Beneful to eat, supplementing with oils for skin in his food and bathing him ones to twice a week.  He has scabs and flinches when we pet him as it he is not comfortable.  So what do you say can you help me? Thanks!

Black lab yeast smell ; smelly dog; blisters and sores on black lab mix dog ;
Did you try any of the suggestions?
Let me know how you are all doing now...

Hi Amanda, Wow! Sounds awful...
I wonder why you dont' have him on antibiotics for the sores and blisters?  Talk to the vet about some antibiotic therapy...
Yes, I can help-
Here is what I feel will help your big boy...

1.  Please change this boy's food to a grain free food :
One of the following :  Innova EVO, Wellness Core; Merrick Before Grain, or Solid Gold Barking at the Moon...
MIX your food and the new food for 3 weeks then go 100% to the grain free feeding ( new food)

2.  Please get some tea tree oil hot spot shampoo from the NuVET folks - give him a bath in this 1 x per week for 3 weeks and then Just 2 x per month - long term - Show your vet the bottle of the product : very safe and natural / not a drug:
NuVET has a supplement and tea tree shampoo: see ordering info below:
Holistic and NOT sold in stores...

3.  NuVET wafers - 2 per day - long term : this is an allergy Blaster and Immune System Booster.  
JUST what your boy needs!
NuVET helps to heal the rashes and blisters...
They even give a 60 day money back guarantee.

ALSO - If you ordered off the internet E-Store please let the NuVET folks know you are working with Marie Peppers and referral code 81098

*They do call all internet orders to make sure you are the person who ordered / protection for you...

Don't forget the verify my referral code.

Also, You may want to give a Probiotic such as Acidophalus 1 Billion CFUS - it helps to fight off yeast in the skin and intestines.
Can be found at any health food / vitamin store:

BEST wishes and Keep me posted!
Marie Peppers LPN MA