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Barking firecrackers - melatonin canine dosage


There are 2 weeks of festivities going on in the village where I live and that means there are firecrackers going off several times a day and about half an hour or more at night. This makes my poor dog absolutely crazy and it breaks my heart to see(and hear) him in such distress.
Is there anything I could give him to calm him down without drugging him senseless?? It is a 2 year old Cairn
Terrier an he weighs a little over 7 kilos. Please help

Hi Henriette,  See if you can find some Melatonin in the vitamin store.  This is for humans but pet can take it too.
Give your Kid (1) 2mg Melatonin every am or every pm...
When the firecrackers will be at the worst.
Please give a few hours prior to the Festivities.

Good luck

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse