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nuvet plus and d/e flea control


is it safe for a bulldog that is feeding newborn pups to start on these products?

nuvet for pups
nuvet for pups
Hi Marlene,  Many nursing bulldogs are on the NuVet Plus supplement.  It is great for Momma and wonderful for the pups.  NuVet helps with Momma's milk production and helps to ward off any infections that may start in the milk ducts.
As for the D.E. powder,  I believe it is safe but you may want to ask your Vet.
D.E. is used in pups but I am unsured about newborns.
It dehydrates the fleas so that's why I am unsure. If ingested it is harmless in pups.  
Now as for newborns, I am just not sure.

Yes to NuVET!!! Wonderful for momma and babies.

Thanks for your question.

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