Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > dog with sebaceous cyst use witch hazel ; turmeric canine dosage ; nuvet dosage;

dog with sebaceous cyst use witch hazel ; turmeric canine dosage ; nuvet dosage;


My dog has a sebaceous cyst on her back and it will not heal and has a foul odor. I am afraid of surgery because she is 9 years old now and I looked online and alot of people said turmeric powder cured their dog? I have looked online some and one site said things "not" to feed your dog and they listed turmeric powder? Do you know if it is safe to give a dog and have you ever heard of it healing sebaceous cysts? Thanks so much!

Canine Sebaceous cyst care:   
Yes - please do the Witch Hazel but also, don't forget the turmeric powder mixed into the food each day...ALSO, check out the NuVET products here - she will need this also: Helps the healing process and prevents future ( helps prevent) outbreaks of cysts.

Hi Karen,  Has the Vet seen this cyst?  It is always a good idea to have a Vet check it out.  I am not one for cutting and doing surgery unless there is no choice.
Sure, you can try some Turmeric powder - If this is a medium sized dog you can give 1/8 of Turmeric powder 2x per day mixed into food.
This is the turmeric cooking powder found in grocery stores or health food stores.  Again, VERY small amounts a few times per day, long term.

Also, Most of my clients use NuVET Plus - Skin and coat healer / helps to reduce swelling in cysts and cataracts, too.
SEE here:

Clean the area with some Witch Hazel -  You can get his at Walgreens or CVS stores.  Just use a cotton ball and dab it with some Witch Hazel every evening.

HOPE this helps

Marie Peppers LPN MA