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cat agression


I have 3 male cats and one female. The ages range from 4 years to seven months. In January we got the youngest one which was a male. My 21 pound 4 year old male cat has been real mean with the other cats. He used to be really sweet and not hurt a fly. This cat loves going outside, he stays out most of the day. Recently there has been some stray cats but they are not showing up anymore and he is still mean. Its not all the time just some. The vet said that he was acting this way because he has become an alpha male. The vet has him on female hormones and they are not helping. All he does now is meow, he used to meow all the time but lately it has been worse. Is there anything I can do to help him? What should I do?

Hello Liz -

The best recommendation I can make to you is to begin a treatment using the Bach Flower Essences.

Flower essence therapy works on a similar mechanism as homeopathy. Parts of the flower are diluted and then potentised to become effective. The flower essences are found in liquid form. Thus, the remedies work on an energetic level, similar to homeopathy, acupuncture and Reiki. They affect the mental and emotional parts of our being. Dr. Bach felt that physical illness can be caused by emotional upset and by fixing the emotional balance the physical illness disappeared.
Flower essences work to heal physical, mental and emotional illness. All of the aforementioned illnesses affect each other in one way or another. Therefore, flower essences restore the inner balance by working on the vital force. The vital force is an inner force within the body that governs our strength and well-being. As we get sick our vital force weakens and therefore, the flower essences work on our vital force to strengthen it. The particles of the essences work in specific patterns. This means that certain essences cure certain illnesses. Overall, flower essence are to said to release negative emotions and help heal and calm, using either internally or externally non toxic and have no side effects.

The remedy can be given by mouth, which is the most effective method. Only a few drops (4-8) are necessary, and need not be swallowed, but only must contact the mucous membranes (gums, tongue, lips). Be careful not to contaminate the dropper by touching it to the animal (if this occurs, rinse the dropper in very hot water before returning it to the bottle). You can also add a dropper full to the water dish, or a few drops on wet food (there is no effect of dilution). You can add a dropper full to a spray bottle filled with spring water, and use it to spray a room, carrier, car, around litter boxes or plants, or other problem areas. You can even put a few drops in your hand and pat the animal on the head and around the ears with it--the head is very sensitive to energy and will absorb the flower essences in this way. In the case of chewing or excessive licking or hot spots, you might want to try applying the remedy directly to the problem spot (IF it isn't too raw, otherwise the remedy will sting); the animal will then consume it when it next licks that area.

The Flower Essence remedies are non-toxic and have no side effects. Therefore, they are safe if another pet in your household should receive the flower essence via drinking water. With flower essences, if the animal needs the remedy, the remedy will work and vice versa.

I would be more then happy to help you with choosing the appropriate remedy for your cat. I will leave my contact information at the bottom of this response if you are interested.

Female hormones may not do the trick. Try also adding a tincture form of Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) to his food or simple sprinkle a capsule amount into his food. This herb has renowned qualities for helping to balance hormones on an emotional level. I have used this many times especially with horses and dogs when their castrations have not been done properly and they are still showing signs of "Alpha male" aggression. It has worked very well. If you are interested I would be happy to discuss this remedy with you further as well. I have had outstanding results with it and taken along with the Flower Essences, animals have really shown improvements.

I hope this information has helped you.

If you are interested in natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated remedies which I can send to you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pets.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist