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american cocker spaniel ask the pet nurse;


QUESTION: I need help and advise on my american cocker spaniel "buddy" he is 2 years old and has an awful skin irritation.  Nothing seems to help. I bathe him to give him relief only to see him scratch even more the next day. Could I be using the wrong shampoo?  Am I feeding him the wrong dry dog food?  I have a border collie that is fine, no problems with her and she eats the same foods as Buddy.  We tend to spoil them both, by giving the pizza crust and other assorted goodies.  Is this too much for his system to handle?  He scratches, itches and bites himself, I have tried using spray for hot spots, it helps but is only tempoary. I feel for him, it must be painful. Is there anything I can do or shouldn't be doing?
I appreciate any help that you can give.

ANSWER: Hi Deb - YES, I would love to help and have some ideas for you.
First, I need a few answers:
1. What food are you currently feeding your Buddy boy?  ( Brand and Flavor)
2. What kinds of things do you feed besides the pizza - list please ... I won't bite you!
3. Do you find he is more itchy at Spring and Summer
4. Did he have any fleas this summer?  If so, what do you use for treatment?

Get back to me and I will help you..

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Buddy eats Purina Dog Chow,amd I noticed the first ingredient was wheat, and was wondering if he should have another dog food, and he ate alot of veggies, or should I say he stole alot of veggies from my garden this summer, meaning, green beans, peas, onions (yup that's right), radishes, carrots, and yes he really does eat it. He also has table scraps, pieces of beef, pork chop (not the bones), potato,amd fruits,  you name it he has tried it and usually comes back for more. He is not overweight though, we only give him little bites. I was using bio spot for fleas and also use a flea collar, but I did notice late in the summer that he got fleas anyway, so I bathed him in a flea and tick shampoo.  My husband mentioned that he seems to have an awful odor lately, and I have noticed flakes on his back. I did pick up yesterday a new shampoo that has oatmeal and baking soda in it to help soothe his skin and keep control of the odor.  Appreciate your help.  Thank you

Hi again !  Oh, yes, let's make some changes for your boy.  Please, don't let him eat onions as they are very bad for dogs.....

Food Change:
1.  Let's get your boy onto a grain-free dog food :  
Look for the following in the pet store:  Canadie grain-free, Innova Evo; Wellness Core; Merrick before grain.  ( If you can't find the ones I listed, let me know)
Mix your Purina with the new food for 10 days at a 50:50 mix.  After the 10 days please go to 100% of the New Grain-free foods.
You can give 1/2 can of green beans or some fresh carrots each day.  ( a 1/2 cup of cooked green peas are fine, too)
Dogs don't really need veggies and fruits - so don't go overboard with them.

2.  How about a good Probiotic for the smelly yeast.  I am sure he has an overgrowth of yeast bacteria.  See if you can find 1 billion CFUs of Acidophilus.  Most stores that sell vitamins sell this type of probiotic.  Made for humans but pets can take it too.  Please give your boy 1 per day for the next 3 months.  You should be able to find this at Walmart, CVS or Walgreens.

3.  Please start your Buddy onto the NuVET Plus wafers- I would like to see him get 1 1/2 per day for 3 months and then Drop down to 1 per day long term.  NuVET is an allergy blaster and immune system booster.  Will help to get rid of the excessive yeast and smell.  Stops or reduces the itching.  NuVet aids in healing the skin and re-growth of coat/hair.
Go here to order:
If you use order code 81098 you can get 15% off on auto ships.
Every bottle would be 15% OFF.
Bottle prices start at 20.00, 39.00 and then 55.00
Call 1-800-474-7044  Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers is working with you.

4.  Last thing - Yes, use the new shampoo but only 1 x every 7-10 days.
Add some PURE Salmon oil to the dog food - 1 tablespoon per day - VERY good for the dry skin and coat.  He will like the taste too.  JUST make sure you find PURE salmon oil - don't buy fish oil.
Most pets stores do sell Grizzley oil.

Keep me posted.  Here is my private e-mail
Marie Peppers