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Im having some trouble with fleas


I've recently noticed my dogs having fleas i have 4 older dogs 10+ yrs old never had a problem and this past year my 2 chihuahuas have has them a groomer told me not to bother getting a flea dip and was recommended dawn soap and have used it numerous times i have also used all natural products and nothing works i know since my dogs are small and some are old i don't know what is best. I was wondering what else i could try that would help my flea problem


This question is right up my alley because I've been using and teaching natural flea control through my grooming shop for over 20 years.

The main thing that you need to know is that contrary to what the medical profession would like you to think by pushing poison flea products which make them even more money when the long term side effects kick in, flea control takes a three pronged attack: what you feed your dogs, what you use on your dogs, and what you use in your environment both indoors and outdoors.

You can find out all about this by going to my site: to the articles section and read the articles there about natural flea control.

You can also read about and purchase the product that I developed and that we have used for over 20 years quite successfully. It is an essential oil blend that can be used both on your dogs and in the environment (check out the uses and directions pages). The more different ways my clients use it, the better it works for them and the more they like it.

It's easy to be clients are, even in Florida.
