Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > NuVet vitamins prices; NuVET Plus wafer prices:

NuVet vitamins prices; NuVET Plus wafer prices:


Could I get an estimate of what the cost of these vitamins will be? Thanks Bonnie

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Hi Bonnie - The NuVet Pet Wafers start at 19.95 for a bottle of 30.  They also sell a bottle of 60 count for 39.99 and a 90 count at 55.00.  ( Most dogs take 1 wafer per day)....
Very small dogs only need 1/2 a wafer per day - easy to break into 1/2.

Cats take a powder form of the NuVet Feline - prices are about the same ....
Please see here :
My personal NuVET Page

NuVet does offer a 15% off discount when you call in - give order code 81098

HOPE this helps...

Marie Peppers LPN MA