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My Pitbull has allergies


My 8 year pitbull has a yeast infection in his nose. I thought it was a cold because he has been sneezing a lot and he has a running nose. The discharge is not clear, it is yellowish. I took him to his vet and she told me he has a yeast infection, she recommended to instill 5 drops of Miconazole into each nostril once daily for the next three months, she also gave Atarax to give him twice daily. He is not happy with the drops and it is a challange trying to spray the nose drops , are there any home remedies that might help my dog with this yeast infection. Any Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hello Alexa,

One of the best things for yeast is Grapefruit Seed Extract. There is also a product called Agrumax that has four different citrus seed extracts in it. You can find both on line I'm sure. Also, I would recommend changing him to a grain free diet, especially a raw food diet if possible. Take all grains out of his diet...snacks, etc. It is important to give him an enzyme and probiotic supplement, especially if you can't go with a totally raw diet.

You might want to get the free copy of my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet" by going to and filling out the form there.

Hope this helps.
