Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > sharpei itching skin

sharpei itching skin


Millo is born 10/12/2010 a blue male brush coat en castrated on 18/07/2010

His weight 20 Kilo's

Last vaccination as a pup on 12/04/2011
Diagnose allergische dermatitis,graspolls,dandruf..
He has severe itching its unbearable ,got cortisone injection and then got better

On 16/07 startet with the Atopica 100 mg a day,i dont like it but what can i do?

That we most give him the vet say til november then he will tray to give him vaccines again for the allergies.

I like to tray more natural products,excuse my for my english i am from Belgium.

Please help Millo!!!and me

Hi, The Atopica is a good drug.  It takes time to kick in.
You can also try a good Probiotic.  I would give 1 Acidophilus per day for 90 days.
It's all Natural and will balance out any excessive yeast.
See here:  this is what you need to look for in your country:
Look for at least 1 billion CFUs

Hope this helps...
