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strange pet mouse death...


This morning my boyfriend discovered that one of our pet mice (brown one) had killed our other one (white), and through the course of a few hours it actually ate the dead mouse. The now-dead mouse seemed to have gone crazy since we bought them, and did circles around the cage and rarely stopped moving at all. The other mouse (the one that ate the other) always seemed very healthy. I was wondering if you know if the brown mouse killed the white one because it was unhealthy. If this is the case, why would he eat it? Any clue? Thanks a lot...

Hello Jess -

This is a very common behavior among mice.

Your brown mouse was the dominant mouse and has shown that dominance by ridding his space of competition. Its not as much as the white mouse being sick, its more less that he was threatened by the brown mouse and was afraid.

Eating the victim shows that he is the survivor and continues to conquer his domain.

If you get more mice in the future, keep them seperated but close enough where they can be introduced slowly.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

Thank you and best wishes.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist