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My dog is just laying there


This morning my 7 yr old border collie was doing just fine. She was playing and running around when I took her out. I don't always watch her that closely in the house, but she is usually underfoot or looking out of the window. When I took her out for the second time this afternoon she was slow and seemed to have a problem sitting up. She did wince once, but I can't seem to find what might be causing it. I think perhaps she got into the garbage. Is there something natural I can give her for what might be an upset stomach? Her pupils are not dialated and she is not doing any heavy breathing.

Hi Angela
I would suggest that you get her to a vet as soon as possible.  If she has been poisoned in any way she needs urgent medical treatment.  For a dog to change behavior so radically within one day indicates a serious problem.
Please don't go giving her any "human" anti-acids etc..these can cause serious liver problems.  
The only natural suggestion I can think of is Activated Charcoal, which you can buy in health food stores.  It is thought to always be safe in all circumstances for poisonings.  Give frequently as soon as possible after any type of poisoning.  The charcoal absorbs any poisons and then eliminates from the body. Give recommended dose every 10 - 30 minutes while you contact your vet for further instructions.
While this will help the immediate situation, you still need to get to a vet ASAP.
Many thanks,