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Head tremors


Hi Susan,

I have a 7-1/2 year old Doberman named Lucy. Lucy is having some medical issues that hopefully we are managing well with holistic practices. Lucy has kidney disease (her numbers are very high, however, we did manage to get them to come down just a little) and she has adrenal stress (I forget exactly what her holistic doctor called it). Lucy has recently developed head tremors. They definitely are not seizures, she is aware and will do things like eat or play with her ball during these tremors. Her holistic doctor said that there are so many reasons why she could be having the tremors, so I guess right now they are idiopathic. She told me to administer gelsemmiun during episodes to get them to stop. I know ideally it would be great if we could figure out why she started having these tremors, but I would be happy if we could just figure out how to get them to not happen. Do you have any ideas on what I could do to get it so that she doesn't have head tremors. I typically home cook for her, but she is getting some canned food right now so I'm trying to stop the canned food in case there is a preservative or something in it that may be causing these tremors. I read that her breed is predisposed to idiopathic head tremors, so maybe that is the cause. I just don't know. I thought maybe some type of supplement for nerves or something may be helpful? Other than her kidney values her blood work is pretty much normal. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great night,
Ricki and Lucy Jones


If your vet practices accupuncture, I'd give it a try. Also, hopefully you are not vaccinating her at all any more.  If you are, stop. I don't have much else to offer. Feeding a good quality raw food diet like OC Raw would be beneficial as well.

Keep me posted,