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gerbil care


My gerbil has a cut and sore nose.  What can I use to help?

Hi Tara,
I'm sorry to hear about your poor little Gerbil's nose.  To keep infection away, you can dab some Colloidal Silver onto a cotton pad and apply to her nose several times a day.  Colloidal Silver (available in pharmacies and health food stores) is a powerful anti-biotic and anti-microbial agent, while also being safe to use on her wound.  And it wont cause stinging.
Otherwise you could try some well-diluted Tea-Tree oil.  Also dab on a cotton pad and apply a couple of times per day.  BUT - make sure you do dilute it as it is very strong and will sting an open wound.
Once it starts to heal you can apply a good quality Vitamin E cream/oil to help heal the skin.
If it does not heal, or gets infected, you really need to take her to a veterinarian for a proper check-up and possibly a prescription for anti-biotics.
Also, check out her cage to make sure she is not hurting her nose on anything in the cage.  It is important to make her home safe, and to keep her healthy and happy.
I hope this is helpful.