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Nubia My Diabetic Dog


Do you feel that Diabetes can be controlled with out insulin? I need to treat my dog Nubia, she is on insulin (1 shot), but It is not well controlled even with one. The doctor said she needs two.  I wanted to know if there was a way to control it without insulin. I appreciate your
help. Thank you!

Hello Zoya - sorry to say but it appears that she is going to need insulin for a lifetime.  If she is not maintained on 1 injection per day, there is not way she can go off of the insulin.  Have her go up to the two shots per day.  See if you can get her to balance out..

***After she is doing well then see if you can make some diet changes.

Make sure she is eating a quality food that is holistic with few fillers.  Innova is great and so is Wellness Formula brands.  There are many good Natural and Holistic foods at the local pet store. I can suggest others if you would like me to.  Just ask me....

You dog can not make insulin on her own.  That is why you need to inject insulin each day.  With a good diet you may be able to get her down to one shot per day.  Be careful and keep you Vet posted on any changes you make.  This is a very serious condition and can be very fragile too.

Best wishes on this!  Visit my site for info on supplements and vitamins... thanks