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Cats Cancer


I detected a small lump on my cat's head a couple months ago. Xray and ultrasound detected breast cancer, which unfortunatly spread to her lungs. I removed the tumors on the head and breast. But Vet did not recommend removing the one in lungs, gave her Chemo instead. This all happened SO suddenly! She has shown zero symptoms. Is very active, eats well. Is my Vet correct in not recommending more surgery? Also said no to radiation. I want to fight it with everything possible including natural herbs. Giving her Maitake and Essaic for now.

Sounds like you have a very Good vet there!  So many times they put pets through too much.  Glad to see your Vet is concerned about your cat's quality of life.  You can always get a second opinion from another local vet ..... Again, I think your vet is Right on the Money!
If you would like some info on a great Immune system supplement, for cats, let me know...
I can send you the links.
Good food and supplements are the key now for this cat kid.

Glad you contacted me...
here is my private e-mail
Marie Peppers LPN MA

BEST wishes