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herbs for swelling


my dog is a 14 year old Pomeranian,,he has been diagonosed with a heart murmur and collapsed trachea,,the meds they gave him had him almost dead,,and i was not sure which of the 4 it was so i stopped them ,,one was lassix one was aminopylline,,,one torbitol and the last was orbax,,,now,,his coughing was so bad i put him back on the Aminophylline ,,he does pass out on it so i have kept him on that one,,but,,now i noticed his legs seem to have swollen up (rear legs only) they feel squishy like he is retaining water in his legs,,are there any herbs i can use to help this problem,,putting him back on the pills is really bad,,he was almost dead from them,,but maybe a natural herb???

Charlotte- Please put him back on the water pill the Lasix.  He will die without this.  I am sure it was not the Lasix that he was allergic to.  The lasix will help get rid of all the swelling around the heart and also helps the body to get rid of excess fluids. The heart and lungs are not working correctly and the lasix is  must.
She will drown in her secretions if you don't give this.

As for a natural herb - please give him NuVET Plus - this is a vitamin and Immune System Booster - A must for this kid.
Call Joan now to order - they are ready to send your order out - right to your front door.
1-800-474-7044 ext 265 ( or any of the gals can help you, not just Joan)
Tell them you want a 90 count of the NuVET Plus Powder - you will mix this into her wet food per day - just a small amount.
Tell them Marie sent you - order code 81098

Thanks and good Luck..
