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Puppy with tapeworm


I've just colected my 12 week old pup and just discoverd she has a tape worm. I Have no money til a few days to purchase the worming tablets and was wondering if there was any thing i might Have  at home to help her. also too can we catch it off her?

Sorry this reply took so long but I don't seem to be getting my e-mail on a consistent basis.

To answer your questions, Two things that you can get readily that tape worms don't like are 1)the organic, nutritional form of Diatomaceous Earth. You can get it on line, or by phoning me at 727-327-2356. It works very well and is totally safe. It also can be used on the puppy and in the environment to kill fleas which is how he got tape worms in the first place, so you need to eliminate the fleas. If you will go to, you can find out all about eliminating fleas the natural way so you can avoid using the toxic vet, chemical stuff that also can harm the puppy.
The other things that can work on tapes are dark beer and garlic. Yes, I said dark beer. St Polly Girl, Guinness, Bush, etc. any heavy German type dark beer. Open a bottle and put a little in a bowl. Dogs won't drink until they get drunk so he will not drink very much. Do this daily and watch his stool for tape segments. After about 3 days, he will probably put out a large clump of them. Continue for a few days until there are no more segments visible. Just keep the beer in the refrigerator and poor back what he doesn't drink any time you give it to him. You can offer it to him a couple of times a day if you'd like.
Garlic is good to ad to his food on a regular basis because it also acts as a natural flea repellent. There is a company called Spring Time that produces "Bug Off Garlic" it is also available either on line or by calling me.

You can't get tapes from him. They can enter the system only by ingesting a carrier flea.

I would highly recommend the Diatomaceous Earth. Research it more on line and you will see why.
