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NuVet - ticks, fleas, etc and D.Earth powder/ Get rid of the fleas....


Hi - this product seems like an immune system booster, does it repel ticks & fleas as well

NuVet for fleas and ticks...
Hi John - Yes, NuVET Helps to keep the fleas and ticks away!  Fleas hate the TASTE of a healthy pet's blood... They tend to jump right off and head AWAY...
I know it sounds off but true.
We use NuVET products for all my clients.  We also use D.Earth powder 2-3 x per week...
D.Earth - and NuVET - SEE Here:


NuVET Nutritional Program ~~~~ EXCELLENT for all year long care:  
~~~ For dogs and cats...
Everyone needs one or two NuVET Wafers per day -
****Keeps the bugs away and also Keeps your baby safe and Healthy...

KEEPS the VET away, too!!!

MOST dogs only need 1 NuVET wafer or 1 teaspoon of NuVET Powder per day.
NuVET is sold by Holistic Vet Offices and the manufacturer..
NOT sold in the Stores...
Go to :

Ask for at least a 60 count bottle of the NuVET Plus at 39.00
Also, mention discount code 81098 and get your 15% Off Program.
CALL in for Quick Shipping !!!!
Call 1-800-474-7044 and Discount code 81098 **TELL them PET Nurse Marie sent you ...

4.  D.E.  ( From the EARTH)
Organic Human grade only -
***  Diatomaceous earth (DE) works, and it's non-toxic not only to your dogs, but birds and other animals that pass through your back yard.

About D. Earth:

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring substances made up of crushed fossils of freshwater organisms or marine life. Insects like the fleas have a waxy coat which helps to prevent water loss through the body surface. What the diatomaceous earth does is that it slices through the coat of the fleas and as such causing dehydration and eventually causes death of the fleas, larvae and eggs.

DE is inactive in presence of water, it's more suited for use on dry walks, dry decks, dry patios, dry lawns. Outdoor flea treatment should focus on areas where your pets rest, sleep, and runs, such as doghouse and kennel areas, under decks, along fences and next to the foundation.  Use natural grade rather than pool grade diatomacious earth.  Natural Grade for pets.........
It is seldom necessary to treat the entire yard or open areas exposed to full sun. Simply sprinkle the Diatomaceous (DE) powder onto these areas.  
If it rains, you will need to re-apply the D. Earth to your yard.

You can also use D.E. on your pets/ just avoid the face/ eyes...
NON toxic and very safe...( get a salt shaker or powder shaker...)

GARLIC/ In the NuVET - VERY small amounts do help!!
Also, give a NuVET wafer per day to your dogs...NUVET has a trace amount of Garlic in them...PLUS loads of other supplements that Keep the Fleas away...

Fleas hate the taste of a Healthy pet's blood... They JUMP right off.
If you have D.E powder they may not jump on at all.

CATS can use D.E., too!

As for the cats, you can use D.E for them too...
Just dust them 1 x per day with the D.E. powder.
Make sure you get the PURE and Plain D. Earth.
CATS have a NuVET formula too!!
Cats also can benefit from some NuVET feline powder, too.

Ok, I have given you some very good options - you will need to use One of the top 2 and then a NuVET -
Or you can try the D.Earth and the NuVET.
HOUSE dogs and CATS may be able to get away with the D.Earth powder and one NuVET per day...

If you need more help?
contact me at

Marie Peppers LPN MA