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My question is: My groomer...


My question is:  My groomer and owner of a boarding shop tells me that my dog could become blind or get a a eye infection or possibly loose his eye from my dogs hair getting to long and getting in the eye.  I get my dog groomed aroung every 5 to 6 months.  Is this possible?  Appreciate your reply.

Hello Dorothy -

There are many reasons why a dog can get an infection in their eyes. Dogs with long hair around the face like Maltese or Sheep Dogs need to have hair trimmed when it begins to grow close the eye area. Dogs that have short hair on their face like Golden Retrievers are less likely to get an infecteion caused by hair because it is not long enough to interfere with vision.

Infections can come from problems with eye lashes, tear duct glands, debris in the eye, physical damage to the actual eye and constant irriation. Hair can be an issue only if it constantly hangs in the dog's eyes. Bacteria from the hair enters the eye area and can cause an infection. You would notice if this was happening. The eye would be weepy and may have a cloudy to brownish discharge.

Depending on your dog, 5-6 months is an average length of time to have your dog groomed. I have a Golden Retriever and that's his grooming schedule. If you have a dog with long or obsrutcting hair around his eyes, you can trim it up between groomings.  

A pet will have its eye surgically removed only if the infection or illness is severe. Most pets will live with various forms of blinding disorders such as glaucoma without missing a step.

The only time blindness will occur is if an infection has been overlooked for a long period of time or if the pet has a blinding condition such as glaucoma or cataracts.

Overall, it is possible for a pet to contract an eye infection from hair being in his eyes. If your pet does not have long hair around his eyes, I would not let this concern me, your groomer may be trying to make some money by having you come in more frequent.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you a catalog of my home made herbal remedies.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist