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stool eating


We have a 2 year old lab who started eating her stools about a year ago.  We have tried adding plain yogurt to her food.  We have added powder to her food and we've tried giving her tablets.  When we had her on all these things she stopped.  As soon as we stopped the pills or powder she resumed her bad behavior.  We don't want to give her powder or tablets for the rest of her life.  We are at a loss as to what else we could try.   Any suggestions?

Hello Barbara -

Giving your pet plain yogurt daily is one of the most benefcial things you could do to improve and keep her healthy. Yogurt has a Probiotic base, these are tiny organisms found in intestinal linings. When we (humans and animals) get sick and are administered an antibiotic, it kills all bacteria in the gut, even the good ones. Probiotics taken daily will keep the "good" bacteria level high regardless of antibiotic. I highly recommend you continue this supplement. You could also purchase the capsules from your pet store or give her the "human" kind. This will not harm her in anyway and is very good long term.

You didn't mention what "pills" and "powder" you had added to her food. So I can't give you much information on if she should continue taking them or not.

Pets eat their feces for two primary reasons. The first because they are lacking vitamin nutrients in their system. This is very common. She may have a vitamin defeciency and is trying to rebalance her system. Second because of behavioral concerns which usually begins at a very young age. With you giving her supplements it sounds more like a vitamin defeciency over behavioral.

Try putting her on a good pet multi-vitamin and continue the yogurt daily, this should curtail the problem. You could also try putting tabasco sauce or horseradish on the feces but most pets will eat that because of the spicy flavor.

If you like, email me back with the pills and powder and I may be able to help you further. I hope this information in the meantime has helped you.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedied=s for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you a catalog of my home made herbal remedies.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist