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prostate cancer


Hello, I have a 6 yr old cavalier and he has malignant cells from a culture that came back, he has been having re occurring problems since April 07, first vet said he has cystitis also an enlarged prostrate gland but nothing to worry about.He had a wk worth of antibiotics and the problem went, then 3-4 months later it re appred.Aug 08 I eventually went to another vet practice and they do examinations and said he needs castration. 98% chance this problem will go away. He had a months worth of antibiotics but unfortunate a week later hes prostrate enlarged again. he got put back on metacam and baytril while they done a prostrate wash, which culture results came back with malignant cells, so they are ruling out everything else and transferred him to a cancer specialist. Which I got told there that surgery is no option , Kemo therapy maybe an option but it may only give another 1-2 months extra of hes life.they gave him 4-6 wk life span left. I cant believe there is nothing they can do or anything out there to slow it down. He is on C.D science plan because he has crystals and protein in hes urine. But I am also know giving him vegetables and sardines to try and help slow it down. In your opnin would they be anything else out there herbs ,supplements or specific diet to help.
I am not giving up with my dog yet. He is happy playing and running around with hes ball . Don't understand there must be something they have missed. Metacam is the only thing that is helping the prostrate to not over enlarge.
Look forward to hearing from you.Haley

Oh Haley - I am so sorry for you two.  
We could try a few supplements ****
- I am not sure they will help to reverse this situation-
***but it is worth at try -
Who knows...YOU may be a testimonial.

I would refer you to Nature's Sunshine Silver Shield and NuVET Labs NuVET PLus -
here are the links - order today and the will send them right out today!

NuVET - call and ask for a 90 count of NuVET Plus - give this kid 2 per day ( double dosage) -very safe and Natural / it is ok to double him up - Immune System Booster !  Help him to fight this off...
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( give them My name as your referral)- not sold in stores/ only thru Holistic vets and some breeders:
Marie Peppers -  code 81098

here is a link to the NuVET Testimonial page


Natures Sunshine Silver Shield:
give him 2 tablespoons per day for 1 month, then you can go to 1 tablespoon per day ( anti fungal , anti biotic ) All Natural-