Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Coughing



Hi Silva,
I'm hoping you can help. My friends dog has a really bad cough which he has been backwards and forwards to the vets with, loads of tests etc. Anyways the vet has him on steriods which my friend is not to keen on. We think he has Tracheitis triggered by a dog attacking him a couple of years ago. The dog got him by the throat and dragged him down the road. Do you know of any natural remedies he could have instead of steriods to reduce any inflammation?
Thanks for your help with this.

Hi Tina,
There are many natural herbal remedies that could be very beneficial to your friend's dog.  Some of the best herbal canine products are available at
And, if you can not find exactly the right remedy, they will make it up for you.  The remedies are a medium price range, but will last you several months and no doubt cheaper in the long run than numerous vet prescriptions.  They are also prepared at medicinal strength so that your dog can begin a true healing process.  The herbalist does have an anti-inflammatory blend, which may be very helpful.  Otherwise, he can custom make one as well.
I hope you are successful in easing the condition with the herbal products.