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Pitt Bull Parvo


Hello there!
I am a proud Pit Bull owner.  My Pit, Kane, 1yr is a wonderful family dog.  We rescued him from neglectful owners when he was 4 months old. He has been a delight and is absolutely wonderful with my kids ages 2 to 9. we wouldn't trade him for the world. But last month or so, he contracted the Parvo Virus, luckily we caught it early enough and he survived no questions asked.  Can he contract it again, even though he has already had it once, and he is vaccinated?  Also, I heard a rumor that small children and babies can catch the Parvo Virus if they come in direct contact, is that true?
Any info would be great!
Thank you,
Worried Pit Bull Mommy

I too own rescue dogs and I love to hear when others do the same. It's a great feeling isn't it? The dogs seem to know when they are taken out of a bad situation too.

Kane can't get Parvo again, he now has natural antibodies. Indeed, it would be best if you don't vaccinate for Parvo any more. It could mess with the protection he now has.

Actually repeated vaccinations of any kind can be very harmful. Studies are now showing that once protection is acquired it's good for a lifetime.

There is a strain of Parvo that can be spread among humans but it's a different one than the dog Parvo and there is no crossover. Stop worrying! The kids are fine and Kane is now safe.